Law and Argumentation: The adjudication model of law in old and antique age


  • Yezid Carrillo De la Rosa Universidad de Cartagena


The purpose of this essay is analyze the process’s
evolution of the model of adjudication and reason of
law in Roma
and the mediaeval. It pretend to show that
until before of the modernize, the reason’s model that
dominated the law was “phronético” or practice, and
with this, interrupt the mathematical’ s spirit in the law.

Author Biography

Yezid Carrillo De la Rosa, Universidad de Cartagena

Abogado de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Licenciado en Filosofía
y Letras de la Universidad Santo Tomas, Especialista en Derecho Público de la Universidad
Externado de Colombia, Especialista en Ética y Filosofía Política de la Universidad de Cartagena,
candidato a Magíster en Derecho, Universidad Nacional de Colombia.



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