The responsibility of International Organizations for ultra vires actions


  • Amaya Quereyazu Escobari Universidad de Antioquia


This research article analyzes the responsibility of international organizations (IO) for acts performed ultra vires. For that purpose the methodology used was a review of academic documents on international Institutional Law in general and international responsibility in particular. Related Advisory Opinions by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) were studied as well. The document addresses some concepts and elements of the law of IOs, such as their powers and capabilities (interpretation and the capacity of creating other organs). The study applies broadly to any IO unless something different is prescribed in their respective constitutive treaties, but it refers mostly to the UNO and the UN system, because it is the most universal organization as well as the organization with the richest internal legislation. The conclusion reached is that there are no specific norms related to the legality of ultra vires acts, nor procedures for determining the validity of acts carried out by international organizations.

Author Biography

Amaya Quereyazu Escobari, Universidad de Antioquia

Abogada, magister en Relaciones Internacionales. Profesora vinculada Universidad de Antioquia Experiencia docente: Derecho Internacional Público, Relaciones Internacionales, Negociación Internacional, teorías de las Relaciones Internacionales, diplomacia y política exterior. Universidad de Antioquia, Universidad Eafit. Idiomas: Inglés, italiano, Alemán Investigación: Proyecto Fortalecimiento del estado de derecho. Investigaciones en descongestión ordinaria, civil y contenciosa administrativa. Cooperación Técnica Alemana GTZ, Bogotá. Miembro del Grupo de Estudios Internacionales Universidad de Antioquia. Coordinadora de la línea de investigación sobre gobernanza global en el Semillero de investigación en estudios internacionales. Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas, Universidad de Antioquia.Coordinadora de relaciones internacionales de la FAcultad de Derecho y Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Antioquia.





Research Articles