Indigenous Mayan justice in the Southeast of Mexico


  • Juana Lucia Ríos Zamudio Universidad de Itsmo


The Indigenous Justice System of Quintana Roo, was created and implemented by the local government more than ten years ago, and it has not been sufficiently investigated. The aim of this paper is to analyse its performance from the point of view of legal sociology, using the law reports of the called traditional judges. Today and thanks to their actions, the Mayan traditional judges are socially legitimized into the indigenous communities, although they were created “from the outside of the communities” by state authorities a little bit more than a decade ago.

Author Biography

Juana Lucia Ríos Zamudio, Universidad de Itsmo

Licenciada en Derecho por la Universidad Veracruzana y Maestra en Ciencias Sociales Aplicadas por la Universidad de Quintana Roo. Actualmente profesora investigadora en la Universidad del Istmo, México. Fundadora y coordinadora del Seminario de Derechos Humanos en la Universidad del Istmo, y responsable técnico del proyecto Movilidad y estratificación social en zonas rurales y escasamente urbanizadas, financiado por el Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (conacyt) y la Secretaría de Desarrollo Social (sedesol),



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