Revista de Economía del Caribe <p>The Revista de Economía del Caribe is a biannual publication of the Economic department of Universidad del Norte, Barranquilla (Colombia), which purpose is disseminate the results carried out in the area of economics. The Revista de Economía del Caribe is aimed to social science professionals and investigators whom are interested in the economic fundamentals applied to education, health, environment, job market, regional growth and institutions, among others aspects.</p> Universidad del Norte en-US Revista de Economía del Caribe 2011-2106 <p>I, ____________________________________________, author of the work and/ or article, adult, residing in the city of _________________, bearing the Identity Card/Passport n.° ______________________, issued in _______________________, in command of his/her/their physical and mental faculties, party hereinafter referred to as AUTHOR, signs the following authorization so the reproduction, publication, communication and distribution of the work can be done, under the following terms:</p><p> </p><p>1. That, regardless of existing legal regulations due to the relationship of the parties to this contract, and any other existing legal presumption, the parties agree that the AUTHOR authorizes the Universidad del Norte, with the purpose of reproduce, publish, communicate and distribute the material called in the Revista de Economía del Caribe.</p><p> </p><p>2. That such authorization apply to the copyright of the work, by any means, known or to be known, the public communication of the work, and the distribution of the work, directly or by third parties, purely educational purposes.</p><p> </p><p>3. The AUTHOR undertakes to inform and declare the existence of this authorization and to preserve the right of the journal Revista de Economía del Caribe to the first publication of the work.</p><p> </p><p>4. The AUTHOR states that the article is original and his/her/their exclusive creation, there being no impediment of any kind for the authorization he/she/they is/are giving, responding thereto by any action: claim, plagiarism or any other type of complaint that might arise about.</p><p> </p><p>5. That such authorization is granted for free.</p><p> </p><p>6. The moral rights of the author on the article correspond exclusively to the AUTHOR, in virtue of which, the Universidad del Norte agrees to expressly and rigorously recognize and respect them.</p> Brazilian migratory dynamics: a review of empirical literature in the light of classical, neoclassical, and structuration theories of migration <p>In recent decades, Brazil has undergone marked changes in flows, volumes, and peculiarities of migratory movements, moving from predominantly rural to a country where most individuals live in urban areas. Therefore, this article aims to develop an approach to an economic theory about the socioeconomic and demographic determinants that boosted migratory flows in Brazil, especially after the 1950s. A literature review based on the classical, neoclassical, and structuralist theories that significantly influenced the analysis of internal migration. It was found that the main reason for controlling population displacement is the search for better working conditions, especially with higher income than those earned in the region of origin. However, in some countries, migrations are motivated by catastrophes, wars, and religious persecution, among other reasons.</p> Joice Pereira de Souza Luis Abel da Silva Filho Copyright (c) 2024 Revista de Economía del Caribe 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 33 Currency and Banking in Antioquia – Colombia – Late 19th Century <p>This article approaches some elaborations on the historical development process of the monetary and banking scenario of the Province of Antioquia at the end of the 19th century. It goes through the places of monetary scarcity, currency issuance, and the complicated networks of individual capitalists, which would mark the path of monetary and banking policy.</p> <p> </p> <p>In this highly abstract exposition, understanding currency and banking in the case in question, beyond its functional character, helps to focus on tendencies as constitutive of social bonds. This immediately refers to the relationship between the issuance of private banknotes and the fiscal banknote. This does not arise suddenly but corresponds to a process of historical transformation of social production.</p> Fernando Salazar Silva Alba Liliana Cuaspud Caliz Copyright (c) 2024 Revista de Economía del Caribe 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 33 Accounting practices: an exploration of the financial knowledge of family businesses in the canton of La Maná, Ecuador <p>The significant effects of poor accounting on family businesses motivated this research. Therefore, the objective of the study was to analyze the level of financial knowledge in the accounting practices of family businesses in La Maná canton, through exploratory factor analysis. The methodology used had a quantitative approach with a non-experimental design in the evaluation of accounting practices and financial knowledge. For this purpose, a probabilistic sampling was applied with a confidence level of 95% and an error level of 5%, which resulted in a sample of 191 undertakings for the development of surveys and research. The relational result of the construct variables was very acceptable (KMO = 0.782); this result denoted a solid sampling adequacy to carry out an exploratory factor analysis. Consequently, the analysis revealed that the first three components explain 81% of the total variance in the response of the ventures. Finally, it was concluded that tax knowledge, together with other elements, significantly improves the understanding of accounting practices and financial knowledge. For this reason, it was demonstrated that family businesses in La Maná canton have a moderate level (Rho = 0.600) of financial knowledge in these areas.</p> Rosa Marjorie Torres Briones Rodrigo Arturo Reyes Armas Pedro Enrique Díaz Córdova Rafael Antonio Pinto Arboleda Copyright (c) 2024 Revista de Economía del Caribe 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 33 The Third Lost Decade of the Brazilian Economy: The Years 2010 to 2019 <p>The Brazilian economy has two periods considered lost in terms of economic growth and other social indicators. The first one is the 1980s, during which the country had to deal with external debt, hyperinflation, income inequality, and various stabilization plans that were unsuccessful. The 1990s continued the challenges of the previous decade, and despite the success of the Real Plan, it is also known in the literature as the second lost decade due to low growth, high unemployment, and worsening income inequality. In the 2010s, the average growth rate of the Brazilian economy was lower than that of the 1980s and 1990s, which raises the question of whether the 2010s can be characterized as the third lost decade. Therefore, addressing this question is the objective of this article.</p> José Alderir Silva Copyright (c) 2024 Revista de Economía del Caribe 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 33 Tax Effects on Micro and Small Craft Enterprises (A Systematic Review) <p>The department of Ayacucho, Peru, is among the departments with the highest number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) dedicated to handicrafts. It is also a region with high productive units and a significant portion of the economically active population being informal. This leads to tax evasion by companies and constrains both the local and national economy. The aim of this study is to understand the tax effects on artisanal SMEs. The methodology is qualitative, descriptive, and explanatory, and follows the PRISMA statement. The databases consulted for the review were SciELO, Scopus, Google Scholar, Dialnet, and Redalyc. The results yielded 21 investigations, including scientific articles, reviews, and theses. The study concludes that tax collection not only improves the local and national economy but also provides SMEs with facilities and opportunities for international market growth. However, tax evasion and informality are due to the entrepreneurs’ lack of knowledge about the advantages of formalization, the lack of distribution by the Peruvian state, the cumbersome bureaucratic procedures involved in formalization, and the illusory perspective that evading taxes generates greater profitability in the company.</p> Ronald Prado Ramos Copyright (c) 2024 Revista de Economía del Caribe 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 33 Economic consolidation of an industrial region south of the state of Hidalgo, Mexico <p>Micro-region XVI is a territory located in the south of Hidalgo State. Present large economic imbalances, but at the same time show important competitive advantages that, well used, could detonate a development pole with multiple benefits for citizens and enterprises.</p> <p>The objective of the research is to detect the productive activities with the greatest economic potential in the micro-region XVI; to achieve this, a methodology with a quantitative approach is developed. This allows building a balanced work in which indicators; statistics and relevant data are contemplated. The methodology uses panel data for the year 2004 to 2019.</p> Maximiliano Gracia Hernández Rodrigo Rafael González González Copyright (c) 2024 Revista de Economía del Caribe 2024-06-30 2024-06-30 33