Quality of the service in public mexican universities: perspective of analysis from the dimensions


  • Lisandro José Alvarado Peña Universidad del Norte
  • Fridzia Izaguirre Díaz De León Universidad de Occidente, Unidad Culiacán


This research is the result of a wider research developed by internationalnetworks, formed by research and academic groups from Venezuela andMexico, respectively. This research was carried out at Mexican Institutionsof Higher Education, specifically in public universities on the northwest ofSinaloa, Mexico. This research objective was to analyze quality dimensionsof the service offered by administrative personnel at the studied universities;following Alvarado (2010) proposal to measure quality dimensions of universityservice. Methodologically, this research is based on the quantitativeparadigm and it is classified as a study with descriptive scope and field work.Some the theoretical framework perspectives are described. The researchedpopulation was formed by 367 people among professors, researchers and undergraduate and postgraduate students. In terms of data collection a questionnaire was used, in order to validate such instrument’s consistency theCronbach´s coefficient alpha was analyzed. According to obtained resultsthere is kinder treatment by administrative personnel, whereas by some publicfunctionaries offer an unfair and indifferent treatment, which worriesusers, to this reality that affects the university service. In conclusion, in someacademic units, there is a higher level of acceptance by the user-citizen whenthe service is received.

Author Biography

Lisandro José Alvarado Peña, Universidad del Norte

Universidad del Zulia (LUZ), Maracaibo (Venezuela).



How to Cite

Alvarado Peña, L. J., & Izaguirre Díaz De León, F. (2015). Quality of the service in public mexican universities: perspective of analysis from the dimensions. Revista científica Pensamiento Y Gestión, (38). Retrieved from https://rcientificas.uninorte.edu.co/index.php/pensamiento/article/view/7702


