Giant GIST of High-risk Criteria: Case Report and Literature Review




GIST, Stomach, Risk stratification, Imatinib


Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are the most common mesenchymal neoplasms of the digestive tract. Risk staging criteria such as angioinvasion, size, infiltration, and mitotic index allow for adequate diagnosis and treatment. A 67-year-old male patient is presented, who consulted for hematemesis and melena. Endoscopically, a 20x10x6 cm diameter mass
was observed in the stomach, which was taken for a biopsy for study. On histopathological examination, a GIST with the microscopic invasion of the lamina propia and angioinvasion was diagnosed. These two histopathological components are scarcely taken into account to classify GIST; however, they are very important in this context, changing the prognosis of
the disease and requiring adjuvant therapy with imatinib. The outcome of the patient was favorable due to the established therapeutic conduct. The biological behavior of GIST varies depending on the clinical and histopathological characteristics. This case highlights the high-risk criteria for GIST and the need to modify the treatment when present

Author Biographies

Jose Dario Portillo-Miño, Fundación Universitaria San Martín. Pasto (Colombia)

MD, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Fundación Universitaria San Martín. Pasto (Colombia). Grupo de Investigación RHIZOME GROUP II, FUSM – Pasto. Grupo de Investigación en infecciosas y cáncer (GINFYCA), Fundación Hospital San Pedro Pasto (Colombia).

Yeison Harvey Carlosama Rosero, Hospital Universitario Departamental de Nariño

MD, M.Sc, Doctorando en Ciencias de la Salud. Especialista en Anatomía Patológica, Universidad del Cauca. Popayán (Colombia). Grupo Interdisciplinario de Investigación en Salud-Enfermedad (GIISE), Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Pasto (Colombia). Profesor titular, Fundación Universitaria San Martín. Pasto (Colombia). Departamento de Patología, Hospital Universitario Departamental de
Nariño, Pasto. Colombia.

Jorge Mauricio Melo Yepes, Clinica Oncologica Aurora

MD. Especialista en Cirugía Oncológica, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Bogotá, D.C. Departamento de Cirugía Oncológica, Clínica Oncológica Aurora. Pasto (Colombia). Profesor titular, Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Fundación Universitaria San Martín. Pasto (Colombia).

Paulo Francisco Mera-Martinez, Universidad de Nariño. Pasto (Colombia)

MD, Facultad Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Nariño. Pasto (Colombia). Residente primer año de Cirugía General Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Bogotá, D.C.



How to Cite

Portillo-Miño, J. D., Carlosama Rosero, Y. H., Melo Yepes, J. M., & Mera-Martinez, P. F. (2022). Giant GIST of High-risk Criteria: Case Report and Literature Review. Salud Uninorte, 37(3), 880–892.