Smoking Behavior in Students of a Higher Education Institution in Tunja- Boyacá




Tobacco Products: MeSH, NLM, Carbon Monoxide: MeSH, NLM, Smoking: MeSH, NLM, Nicotine: MeSH, NLM, Smokers: MeSH, NLM


Objective:To determine the degree of dependence on smoking and the motivation to stop smoking in smoking students of a university institution in the city of Tunja(Boyacá). Materials and methods:Analytical cross-sectional study with correlational phase,with probabilistic cluster sampling.The identification of smoking behavior was carried out using the Fagerström and Richmond instruments,in relation to the measurement of carbon monoxide concentration levels through pulse co-oximetry. Results:An average age of 21 years was observed in the 79 students,with the majority being male (86%),with an average cigarette consumption of 4.2 years.It was established that 82.3%[95% CI: 73.4 - 91.1] of the students smoked less than 10 cigarettes a day,with a slight degree corresponding to 89% [95% CI: 81.0-94.9] who were characterized by smoking 5 or less cigarette packs per year. Similarly,82% [95% CI: 73.4 - 89.9] of smokers were classified as moderate and 94% [95% CI: 87.3 - 98.7] of them were little dependent on nicotine.Similarly,it was established that only 32.91% [95% CI: 24.1 - 43.0] presented a high degree of motivation to quit smoking.In relation to the level of percentage of carbon monoxide saturation,on average it was 6% (SD 2.2),with a directly proportional relationship with the degree and classification of the smoker determined through the Wilcoxon method (P = 0.00). Conclusion:It was identified that most of the participants present moderate motivation to stop smoking,therefore,it is necessary to encourage the start of smoking cessation programs that impact the quality of life in young adults,as well as reducing morbidity./mortality from chronic respiratory diseases in the future.

Author Biographies

Marcela América Roa Cubaque, Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia

Profesional en Terapia Respiratoria, Universidad de Boyacá. Especialista en Epidemiología Universidad de Boyacá. Maestría en Diagnostico y prevención del Tabaquismo Universidad de Barcelona. Directora Programa Terapia Respiratoria Universidad de Boyacá.

María del Pilar Rojas Laverde, Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia

Profesional en Terapia Respiratoria, Universidad de Boyacá. Especialista en Epidemiología Universidad de Boyacá. Magíster en Dirección Estratégica con énfasis en Prevención de Riesgos Laborales, Universidad Iberoamericana de Puerto Rico. Docente Tiempo Completo programa de Terapia Respiratoria Universidad de Boyacá. Orcid:

Myriam Roció Wilches Wilches, Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia

Profesional en Terapia Respiratoria, Universidad de Boyacá. Maestría en Sistemas Integrados de Gestión, Universidad Internacional de la Rioja. Docente Tiempo Completo programa de Terapia Respiratoria Universidad de Boyacá. Orcid:

Flor Ángela Umbacía Salas, Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia

Profesional en Terapia Respiratoria, Universidad de Boyacá. Especialista en Rehabilitación Cardiopulmonar, Universidad Manuela Beltrán. Magíster en Actividad Física: entrenamiento y gestión deportiva, Universidad Iberoamericana de Puerto Rico.  Docente Tiempo Completo programa de Terapia Respiratoria Universidad de Boyacá.

Leidy Carolina Pirachicán Soto, Universidad de Boyacá, Colombia

Profesional en Terapia Respiratoria Magister en Educación Docente Tiempo Completo Programa Terapia Respiratoria Universidad de Boyacá.



How to Cite

Roa Cubaque, M. A., Rojas Laverde, M. del P., Wilches Wilches, M. R., Umbacía Salas, F. Ángela, & Pirachicán Soto, L. C. (2022). Smoking Behavior in Students of a Higher Education Institution in Tunja- Boyacá. Salud Uninorte, 38(2), 421–437.



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