Approach to the risk of sectoral intra-labor contagion in the department of Atlántico, Colombia, based on the main occupations in each sector


  • Brandon Jair Nieto Martelo Fundesarrollo
  • Valentina Anillo Yepes Fundesarrollo
  • Kelina Mariely Puche Carrascal Fundesarrollo


risk of contagion, exposure to diseases, labor market, department of Atlántico, Colombia


The risk of contagion is presented for the most important economic branches in the generation of employment in the department of Atlántico, based on the degree of exposure to diseases and infections and the physical proximity in the development of their main trades. The contagion risk calculations are made taking into account the information from the Occupational Information Network (O*Net) of the United States Department of Labor and adjusted to the reality of the department's labor market. The results show that the supervision of compliance with biosafety protocols presents a complex scenario since the participation of SMEs is high in the business fabric.

Author Biographies

Brandon Jair Nieto Martelo, Fundesarrollo

Economista y magister en Urbanismo y Desarrollo Territorial de la Universidad del Norte. Investigador con reconocimiento de estudiante distinguido, en la lista del decano y merito científico del programa de economía. Trabajo en pro del desarrollo del Caribe colombiano a través del análisis económico y social del territorio, especialmente en temas de economía urbana, finanzas públicas y desarrollo territorial.

Valentina Anillo Yepes, Fundesarrollo

Profesional en Economía, estudiante de segundo semestre de Maestría en Economía, con experiencia en el enfoque investigativo, y conocimiento integral en las diferentes áreas de la profesión.

Kelina Mariely Puche Carrascal, Fundesarrollo

Master in Economics from the Universidad de los Andes, professional in Economics from the same university; with skills for the management and quantitative analysis of data, development of research projects, passionate about challenges and challenges, with extensive capabilities in economic analysis through the use of econometric and qualitative techniques, and with important skills in organization, leadership, coordination and planning of activities, with a high sense of responsibility, commitment and compliance.


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