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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Author guidelines

Revista de Economía del Caribe publishes results of original research, theoretical and practical works related to the economics field. Original articles written in spanish, english and portuguese, are welcome. Translations of articles already published are not.

The reception of articles is open and constant, although calls for dossiers will be published. Before submitting your contribution, please note the following:

Check that your contribution is of quality and pertinent.

For each edition only one contribution per author is received.

Only articles uploaded and submitted by authors through the OJS platform will be considered. If you need advice in this step, please contact us.

Before uploading your article to the OJS platform, make sure that the file does not contain your name or other personal data, this in order to guarantee a blind review.

If your article is published in spanish or in another language, the journal does not publish or upload a version other than the one in its original language.

Please note that the review process for your article will range from three months to six months.

During the reception and reviewing process, the journal sends messages to your email account about the status of your contribution through the OJS platform, so we recommend that you constantly check the spam folder because many messages sent from OJS may be hosted on this site.

Lastly, we suggest that you take into account all the requirements and rules of the journal before submitting your article. All articles must comply in order to be considered.

Important information:

The article's correspondence author must register as an Author in the journal's Open Journal System (OJS) profile, it is necessary to include the co-authors' information in metadata.

Once registered, you must follow the instructions found there, upload the article and the requested format (Information on the origin of the article). It is essential and mandatory to fill in all the fields of the registration form for each author and the article information. All the dialing codes for the corresponding country must be placed in the telephone field.

If you have any issue regarding the upload of an article, please contact us at:

General requirements:

1. Articles must be unpublished, related to the economics field, or, the call for the dossier. Notwithstanding we encourage articles with a pluralist perspective. Also, they should not be sent simultaneously to another journal/publication. Translations of articles already published are not accepted.

2. We receive articles that (preferably) fill one of the following categories:

  • Research articles: where original results of research projects are presented, they must be composed of at least five parts: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and conclusions.
  • Review articles: where the results of published or unpublished research on any relevant topic in the economy are analyzed, systematized and integrated, in order to account for progress and development trends. To comply with the Colombian government requirements, it must contain a bibliography/references list of at least 50 references.
  • Reflection acticles: where a theoretical or practical problem on economics is analyzed, all from an analytical, interpretive or critical perspective, resorting to original sources.

3. No journalistic genre documents or general comments are received on any topic.

4. The authors grant permission to Revista de Economía del Caribe for their article to be disseminated in other media.

5. The editorial committee carries out the evaluation procedure of the documents received under blind review methodology. Every document is evaluated by professors or researchers with experience in the subject.

6. The reception of articles is open and constant. Except when calls are made for a particular dossier.

7. Articles are received in spanish, english and portuguese.

8. Authors in each publication must guarantee that all persons involved in the research have given their informed consent (the format of which is attached and must be signed) and that their personal data is protected.

9. All authors must provide their ORCID, if the author does not have it, they must register at If you have any issue regarding this topic, please contact us.

Presentation and extension of articles:

  • The document must have a maximum of 45,000 characters with space including: the abstract (maximum 700 characters with space, in its original language and English), the text, tables and figures. Bibliography/references list and annexes are not counted within this number of characters.
  • Before uploading your article to the OJS platform, make sure that the file DOES NOT contain the names of the authors or other personal data.
  • Before uploading your article to the OJS platform, make sure that the article complies with all the norms and requirements of the journal.
  • Artciles must be (preferably) uploaded to OJS platform in Word format with margins in Normal style (bottom and top: 2.5 cm; left and right: 3cm), on letter size sheet, double paragraph space, left aligned, in Arial 12 font.

The articles must have a title (in its original language and English), which must be descriptive and covering the content of the work.

The structure of the article (if it is a research article) must be adjusted to the guidelines recommended by the journal that correspond to the following sections:

Abstract: Must have a maximum of 700 characters with space. This section should have a brief description of each of the main sections: introduction, methodology, results, discussion and most relevant conclusions. Avoid starting "This article is about ..." or the like. It should not include tables, numbers, references or mathematical expressions. The abstract information should be consistent with that presented in the rest of the article.

Keywords: separated by commas (,) minimum 3, in the original language of the article. They must reflect the key concepts that structure the research.

Introduction: This section includes the conceptual and theoretical framework on which the research is supported with updated scientific sources.

Methodology: In this segment the methods used, the description of the place, the explanation of the sample and everything related to tools used for the development of the research are related.

Analysis of results: Describes the results found from the methods used in the development of the investigation.

Discussion: In this section, the results found are crossed with the theoretical framework, as support for the subsequent conclusions.

Conclusions: They refer to the most relevant findings that contribute to the discussion of the theme and problems addressed by the research.

Review and reflection articles follow a different structure but must include at least the introduction, theoretical / conceptual framework, analysis proposal, discussion and conclusion. Review articles must include at least 50 references.


  • In each table it is required to present the data in an organized way, which must be self-explanatory, its content must not repeat information from the figures or the text of the article.
  • Each table must be numbered and headed with the expression "Table" and its legend.
  • In the text, the author will specify the location where the table should be inserted.

Figures, graphs and illustrations: These should be included only if strictly necessary and must be self-explanatory.

  • They must indicate the units of measurement, and contain all footnotes and the source must be clearly specified.
  • Each figure must be headed with the expression "Figure" and its legend.
  • Charts and graphs in editable format are preferred.
  • Figures and illustrations should be as much as possible in color for better conversion to grayscale, 300 dpi, and 1024 x 768 pixels on average. The journal does not edit in color, all figures will be grayscale.
  • The location where the figure should be inserted must be specified in the text.

Tables, graphs and figures must be uploaded in a Word, Excel or PowerPoint document as an "attached file" on the OJS platform.

Footnotes: Footnotes are supported, but minimal use is recommended.

Quotes: If you are going to use quotes, use them only to support the discussion of your topic in the article. These should not exceed more than half a page.


They should appear complete at the end of the article in list form, preferably in Arial 12, arranged alphabetically by author and, for each author, in chronological order, from oldest to most recent. Following international APA (American Psychological Association) standards. It is recommended to check the citation of the references in an automatic bibliography generator.

  • The references list according to the APA style has an exact relationship with the citations that appear in the text of the work. It only includes those resources that were used to carry out the research and work preparation. The following elements are applied in the preparation of bibliographic records:
  • The bibliographic list will be titled: references.
  • The list is in alphabetical order by author's last name and is included with the initials of their first names.
  • The list is double-spaced.
  • Journal or book titles are written in italics. In the case of journals, the text in italics ranges from the title of the magazine to the number of the volume.

Articles that meet the thematic and formal requirements indicated in these instructions will be received for evaluation and submitted to the peer evaluators for consideration. Articles that do not meet these standards will be declared as not approved. Revista de Economía del Caribe reserves the right to make any editorial changes it deems appropriate.


Science article

It is the product of research carried out with empirical evidence, where the contribution, contraction or theoretical complementation in the area of economy must be explicit manifested. The structure of the science article must be contain four important parts: introduction, methodology, results and conclusions.

Original reflection article

It is the product from analyse about theoretical or practice issue of the economy, all of this based on an analytical, interpretative or critical perspective, using original sources.

Bibliographic review article

An essay in which make a critical and contextualised exam of the contributions in any branch or topic of the economy.

Privacy Statement

The names and emails introduced in this journal only will be used for the stated purposes of this journal and they will not be available for any other purpose or person.