Accounting practices: an exploration of the financial knowledge of family businesses in the canton of La Maná, Ecuador
accounting practices, financial monitoring, planning, budget, tax knowledgeAbstract
The significant effects of poor accounting on family businesses motivated this research. Therefore, the objective of the study was to analyze the level of financial knowledge in the accounting practices of family businesses in La Maná canton, through exploratory factor analysis. The methodology used had a quantitative approach with a non-experimental design in the evaluation of accounting practices and financial knowledge. For this purpose, a probabilistic sampling was applied with a confidence level of 95% and an error level of 5%, which resulted in a sample of 191 undertakings for the development of surveys and research. The relational result of the construct variables was very acceptable (KMO = 0.782); this result denoted a solid sampling adequacy to carry out an exploratory factor analysis. Consequently, the analysis revealed that the first three components explain 81% of the total variance in the response of the ventures. Finally, it was concluded that tax knowledge, together with other elements, significantly improves the understanding of accounting practices and financial knowledge. For this reason, it was demonstrated that family businesses in La Maná canton have a moderate level (Rho = 0.600) of financial knowledge in these areas.
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