What can Latin America learn from ICT development in the Asia Pacific?


  • Luis Arturo Rosado Salgado Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Manizales
  • Pablo López


Technological learning, manufacture, Informatic and Communications Technology (ICT), business models, entre-preneurship, structural change


This document argues that manufacturing must evolve applying
technologies that bring it closer the technological frontier. In the
markets globalized environment, industrialization is only possible
if information and telecommunications technologies (ICT's) are
applied. ICT's not only apply similar functions as services, transport, education and banking (as e-mail, for example) also works as production tool in manufacturing. However, only accelerated expansion in manufacturing is able to induce e-business into sustainable growth. It's concluded that agglomeration activities of ICT's in Northeastern Asia, had effects on the Asian Corridor and this can provide lessons to Latin America, about ICT's market dynamics, vertical integration, economies of scale and scope, diversification, learning and technological transfer.

Author Biographies

Luis Arturo Rosado Salgado, Universidad Nacional de Colombia-Sede Manizales

Ph.D en Ciencias Económicas, Magister en Economía y profesor asociado, Universidad Nacional de Colombia- Sede Manizales.

Pablo López

Estudiante de la Maestría de Administración de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia e investigador del grupo de investigación sobre Corporate Governance, Tecnología y Complejidad.





Science article