Economics, politics and culture of the income inequality in Chile


  • Raúl González Meyer Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano


Income distribution, wealth concentration, economic inequality, productive heterogeneity, human capital, socio-economic discriminations, tax structures, familiar composition, negotiation power


This paper explore the causes of the income inequality in Chile, looking to extend the existing factors panorama emphasizing some ignored currently - at least in Chile - both by ideological bias or their politics significance more criticals of the status quo. In a first section is suggested the magnitude and nature of the income inequality in Chile. After from the section 2 to 8 identifies a set of factors and their presence for the Chilean case. It is referring, in sequential way, to the questions of the patrimonial and the wealth concentration; to the productivity profits distribution and the production factors payments; to the human capital possession; to the structure and employment heterogeneity; to the family structures and their dependence rates; to the tax structure and the social expenditure; to the socio-cultural discriminations; and the agent power market and the rules establishing that frame their functioning. Finally, is concluded that there are multiple factors that take part in reproducing inequality. Regarding with the paper emphasize, there is, first, the strong relationship among patrimonial or wealth concentration with income distribution; second, the path that follow the output and productivity increases distribution among profits and payments and their relationships with the negotiation conditions; and, finally, is taken once again the Latin- American structuralist classic analysis of the effects that the differents productive structure and employment heterogeneities about income differentials.

Author Biography

Raúl González Meyer, Universidad Academia de Humanismo Cristiano

Economista Universidad de Chile Magíster en Desarrollo Económico Universidad Católica de Lovaina Doctor en Desarrollo Económico Universidad Católica de Lovaina





Science article