Notes on the political intervention of the dominant class in Argentina, 1955-1976


  • Gonzalo Sebastián Sanz Cerbino IEALC-CONICET


Oligarchy, Social domination, Agricultural policy


In this paper we will try to question a dominant idea about the political intervention of the argentine bourgeoisie: the strength of the most concentrated agrarian bourgeoisie to impose their-corporate economic interest to different government in the second half of the twentieth century, discussing the appropriateness of the concept of "oligarchy." After critically assessing the production on the issue, we’ll analyze some quantitative data that allow us to question the dominant assumptions. Finally, we present a case study in which we will observe the political relationship established between the agricultural bourgeoisie and the governments that followed the 1966 coup. Specifically, the efforts of the various teams that passed through the Agriculture portfolio between 1966 and 1971, their relationship with agricultural corporations and the limits found to display their policy.

Author Biography

Gonzalo Sebastián Sanz Cerbino, IEALC-CONICET

Doctor en Historia y docente en la Universidad de Buenos Aires (Argentina). Becario Posdoctoral del CONICET (Argentina), con cuyo financiamiento se pudo realizar esta investigación.





Original reflection article