Importance of nursing care in patients with breast cancer: a Narrative review


  • Yeis Miguel Borré-Ortiz Universidad Metropolitana.
  • Sandra Prada-Reyes Universidad Metropolitana
  • Audit Arrieta-Paternina Universidad Metropolitana
  • Yuranis De la Hoz-Pantoja Universidad Metropolitana
  • Yurisney Jimenez-Maury Universidad Metropolitana
  • Cristian Santos-Puello Universidad Metropolitana


Palabras clave:

cuidado de enfermería, cáncer de mama


Objective: To demonstrate the importance of nursing care in patients with breast cancer.

Materials and Methods: Narrative review of the literature, which analyzed 34 studies that were selected from 5 databases, taking into account the recommendations of the report Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyzes (PRISMA) during the search strategy, keeping the Methodological rigor.

Results: In addition to the descriptive aspects found in the 34 studies, two major categories were identified that allow to describe the importance of nursing care in patients with breast cancer. The categories are: Aspects valued by nurses and approach to nursing care.

Conclussion: The importance of nursing care is evident through the humanized, dignified and palliative treatment that this type of patients requires. The literature continues to show the need for nursing care to be comprehensive and strengthened in the light of interdisciplinarity.


Biografía del autor/a

Yeis Miguel Borré-Ortiz, Universidad Metropolitana.

Enfermero. Magíster en Enfermería. Magister en Investigación. Docente-Investigador Programa de Enfermería.

Sandra Prada-Reyes, Universidad Metropolitana

Enfermera. Especialista en Cuidado al paciente en Estado Crítico. Especialista en Gerencia de la Calidad y Auditoria en Salud. Magister en Educación. Docente Programa de Enfermería

Audit Arrieta-Paternina, Universidad Metropolitana

Enfermera Universidad Metropolitana

Yuranis De la Hoz-Pantoja, Universidad Metropolitana

Enfermera Universidad Metropolitana

Yurisney Jimenez-Maury, Universidad Metropolitana

Enfermera Universidad Metropolitana

Cristian Santos-Puello, Universidad Metropolitana

Enfermero Universidad Metropolitana



Cómo citar

Borré-Ortiz, Y. M., Prada-Reyes, S., Arrieta-Paternina, A., De la Hoz-Pantoja, Y., Jimenez-Maury, Y., & Santos-Puello, C. (2018). Importance of nursing care in patients with breast cancer: a Narrative review. Revista Científica Salud Uninorte, 34(2).



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