ISSN Electronico 2145—9444
ISSN Impreso 1657—2416
Volumen 26, enero — junio 2017


Children education is very important. This issue includes a series of experiences showing the importance of educating and structuring thinking, and the use of TIC. So, the paper "Lists in early learning to write", Teberosky and Sepulveda recover the value of lists as a linguistic procedure to order, precise and conceptually analyze information, specifically in relation to writing and language learning. In the "Exploratory study of usability for children in Colombia", Garcia, Pernett and Cano prove usability of web pages designed for education. Each one of these pages offers a service and is created with specific aim such as entertaining, doing business, teaching, and so on. Usability affects children because they cannot overcome some technical problems and are not able to understand error messages, choosing to go to another web site. Sanchez Ruiz and Morales Rojas, in their article "Strengthening of creativity in preschool education oriented by pedagogic strategies based on childhood art and literature" propose a pedagogical intervention oriented by art and literature strategies to strengthen creative processes in preschool children between 5 and 6 years old. On their part, Ospina and Montoya show findings of a research on education practices developed in four institutions to promote family development, exposing the goals which have oriented such an education process, in terms of: Conditions and quality of life, Family life project, and Family relationships improvement.

These topics evidence the importance of training our children in the use of TIC, how to strengthen creativity and innovation, within a spirit of tolerance and humankind. On the other hand, we must take all this to the university, where these children as young people have to perceive university knowledge. In "Ibero—American university students about communicative competence and academic literacy", Nuñez Cortes and Moreno—Nuñez show results of a quantitative research carried out from a survey applied to 546 students from 21 universities of six Ibero—American countries (Argentina, Colombia, Spain, Mexico, Peru and Venezuela). The survey searched for students' opinions on the importance of academic literacy and the university role in this process.

Curricula always have posed the question of a serious academic proposal to achieve quality when planning education. Osorio, in her article "The curriculum: approaching perspectives to its comprehension", exposes five possible, and non—exclusive, perspectives to manage the process. They respond to the questions what the curriculum is and what its nature is. This issue also includes the "Configurational thought epistemic analysis" in which significant notions and concepts are outline, which allow to configure a theory of configurational thought from its episteme. In a day—by—day more globalized and interconnected world, it is necessary to be proficiency in English as second language. It is also necessary to investigate about education tools to improve this language acquisition and proficiency. This is the topic of the article by Portilla Arciniegas and Camacho Vasquez "A Webquest tool to develop communicative competence in EFl students with an A2 proficiency level". The paper shows the implementation of a Webquest designed based on the principles of Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and the task—based insruction.

Jorge Mizuno

Emma Colpas
Editorial assistant

Zona Próxima
Revista del Instituto de Estudios en Educación de la Universidad del Norte

Universidad del Norte
Barranquilla (Colombia)