Quality of institutions and its relation economic performance: an analysis of the colombian caribbean region


  • Gustavo Rodríguez Albor Universidad del Norte


Institutions, institutional quality, economic growth


This paper analyses the main elements and variables related to quality of public institutions that can influence economic performance of the Colombian Caribbean region. The main objective is to contribute with new evidence to the existing debate regarding factors that are associated to the institutional performance, specifically of the quality of public institutions of the Colombian Caribbean region. The importance of this type of analysis is that it serve as a point of departure to underline and to identify measurements related to the institutional quality, because the first step to improve the economic performance of any country or region is the establishment of the causes for the bad performance, mainly of the public institutions.

Author Biography

Gustavo Rodríguez Albor, Universidad del Norte

Economista, especialista
Estadística Aplicada. Estudiante
del doctorado en Ciencias Sociales,Universidad del Norte.





Science article