Effects of the quality of academic service: an approach to student satisfaction in the province of Tungurahua (Ecuador)



educational results, quality of educational service, student satisfaction.


Student satisfaction with educational service has been considered one of the most critical strategic factors in attracting students to higher education institutions around the world. Several models of satisfaction with the quality of the educational service have been developed to motivate actions aimed at improving the quality of education. This study aimed to analyze student satisfaction and its relationship with the quality of higher education service at universities in the province of Tungurahua. A cross-sectional survey was conducted on 293 students from the last levels of higher education. The results of the research showed that the model of student satisfaction with the educational service according to the proposed theoretical model comprised 5 dimensions that include access to the educational service, teaching facilities and equipment, educational environment, educational activities and educational outcomes. In addition, the satisfaction of all the dimensions of the quality of the educational service from dimension 1 to 4 affects the satisfaction of the educational results, of which the educational activities have the most significant impact. The result of this research can provide a series of implications and recommendations for universities to implement the appropriate measures to improve student satisfaction with the educational services received, thus improving educational results, attracting and retaining students.


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