Strategic direction in Ingelec for recognition by the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation
strategic direction, R&D&I, EFQM, SNCTIAbstract
The objective of the research was to establish the scope of the strategic direction 2023-2028 of the R&D&I area of Ingelec Group S.A.S. to be recognized by the National System of Science, Technology and Innovation (SNCTI), the guidelines of the strategic process focused on R&D&I were analyzed, strategic actions were formulated with the EFMQ Model (European Foundation for Quality Management) and finally, the strategic scope was determined with the guide of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (Minciencias). The study had a mixed, descriptive approach, with non-probabilistic intentional sampling. The study population was the electronic engineering company, 6 coordinators, management, and coordination of R+D+i (Research, Development, and Innovation) were approached. The interview and the EFQM questionnaire with (7) REDER criteria, an improvement plan, a Gantt diagram, and a checklist were projected.
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