Regional institutions in global “south”: the rationale of regional institutionalization in south america since the 21st century


  • Tae Heok Lee University of Ulsan


Regionalism, globalization, identity, Regional Institutions, South America


Particularly, beginning the 21st century the Political landscape saliently changed and shifted to debunk the notion of "the end of history" in South America. Several Latin American scholars including Bjorn Hettne, Osvaldo Sunkel, and Philippe De Lombaerde and the international organizations including United Nations for Latin American Economic Commission (UN ECLAC) have paid attention to the left-leaning governments which have eventually governed these states.

In this vein, this study (as an initial step for the research proposal) attempts to understand the logic of (new) regionalism under globalism and particularly to contribute to its academic value. This study is mainly approaching the subject from a theoretical foundation in order to understand and then to apply the rationale of politically-oriented regional institutions.

Author Biography

Tae Heok Lee, University of Ulsan

Ph.D. Candidate, George Washington University (USA). Adjunct professor (lecturer). Department of Political  Science, University of Ulsan, South Korea.





Science article