Determining factors of the creation of technologically-based businesses in Colombia


  • José Luis Moreno Cuello Universidad del Norte
  • José Luis Ramos Camargo Universidad del Norte


Business, incubators, economic factors


In this article are identified the micro, meso and macroeconomic conditionants of the creation of technology-based businesses in Colombia. Methodologically, a descriptive study is presented under the qualitative – quantitative analysis premise; furthermore, a study from the Multiple Correspondence Analysis (MCA) is made. The result shows that there are microeconomic, mesoeconomic and macroeconomic factors that influence the creation and evolution of technology-based companies, among the most remarkable results at microeconomic level are the investment recovery time and innovative activity costs; at mesoeconomic level, cooperation among companies and incubators, and access to financing; and at the macroeconomic level are the exchange rate policies in the short term. In conclusion, it is suggested a state policy that responds to the dynamics of generation of innovative ideas for future entrepreneurs.





Science article