Culture and institutions: an indissoluble relationship?


  • Antonio Miguel Camargo Díaz Universidad del Norte


Institutions, culture


This article analyzes the relationship between institutions and culture in order to characterize the conceptual difficulties of the separation of these terms. The definitions proposed by economists to address the institutions overlap with anthropological proposals on culture. Ignoring this fact, as economists usually do, involves erecting the institutional analysis on a fuzzy object. Regarding how to strengthen institutional studies, I argue that economists must focus on contributions of disciplines such as sociology and anthropology apropos culture, because the economic conceptual tools to address this subject could be narrow. Analyzing the relationship among culture and formal and informal institutions can shed light on the link between culture and institutions, and therefore where borders of the two concepts may be sought.

Author Biography

Antonio Miguel Camargo Díaz, Universidad del Norte


Magister en Estudios Políticos e Internacionales

Doctorando en Ciencias Sociales





Original reflection article