Transmission of human capital between parents and children in Colombia: A causal mechanism of poverty


  • Yhelin Cristina Calle Becaria Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas del sur. Argentina


mechanisms causes of poverty, intergenerational mobility, and human capital


The literature of economic development has reached a consensus on the importance of education and health as determinants of economic performance of individuals. The hypothesis that these factors are inherited from one generation to another could explain the existence of a poverty trap, establishing a causal mechanism of poverty, which is evident by low intergenerational mobility. Using a system of equations triprobit, this paper presents the relationship between the level of education and health of household heads and those same factors in school children in home, for Colombia.

Author Biography

Yhelin Cristina Calle, Becaria Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas del sur. Argentina

Econosmista Universidad de Antioquía Colombia, Candidata a Maestría en Economía, Universidad Nacional del Sur Argentina. Becaria de Instituto de Investigaciones Económicas y Sociales del Sur- CONICET. Argentina





Science article