Pluralist economics to confront recent crises


  • Jairo de Jesus Parada Corrales Universidad del Norte


economic crisis, pluralist economics, economics teaching


Despite the deep impact of the 2008s Great Recession, Department of Economics around the world keep teaching the neoclassical paradigm as it nothing happened. Economics´ teaching, especially at the undergraduate level, does not leave room for a pluralist background, although somewhat similar process happens at the graduate level. Global dominance of approaches market oriented, based on an individualistic ontology, a methodological deductivismand the massive use of mathematical models since the last three decades, have been closing the possibilities of different approaches.

In this essay, possible causes behind this phenomenon are explored, and several proposals are presented about how a more integral and plural Microeconomics could be taught, and a more grounded Macroeconomics involved with today´s problems, and a development theory that does not give up with the theoretical richness of the Latin American traditions, could be also presented to students. The main criteria would be to endow our graduates with a more versatile vision about economic thought and economic theory, aiming toward the opening of new and creative approaches about public policies that would be able to solve our structural problems.

Several concrete suggestions are offered regarding curriculums and books, and mechanism to overcome the Procrustean bed that incorporates the teaching of the dominant approach only. At the end, we would have creative professionals and conscious about the myriad of possibilities that a pluralist approach of economics science brings about, and new avenues of creative ideas will be opened to implement such policies. This proposal implies a more audacious curriculum and less timid toward the critique of the dominant cathedral of the main current of thought in Economics.

Author Biography

Jairo de Jesus Parada Corrales, Universidad del Norte

Eco. JAIRO PARADA CORRALES, Economista de la Universidad del Atlántico (1973), con estudios de Maestría en la Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Bogotá) y título de Master of Arts en Economía de la Southern Illinois University (1985). Con estudios doctorales de la Pennsylvania State University, y PhD. en Economía de la Universidad de Missouri-Kansas City(2001-2006). Es profesor de la Universidad del Norte. Fue profesor Titular de la Universidad del Atlántico y Decano de la Facultad de Ciencias Económicas de dicha Universidad, y Lecturer de la Pennsylvania State University y la Universidad de Missouri-Kansas City. Ha participado como investigador y coordinador del Área productiva del Corpes Costa-Atlántica (1991-1995), fue miembro del Comité de Regionalización de la Ciencia y Tecnología de Colciencias (1994). Ha trabajado como consultor de la Corporación Calidad, con la Universidad del Norte, la Pennsylvania Higher Education Agency, la Gobernación del Atlántico, y la firma de consultoría Econometría, S. A, y ha realizado trabajos de consultoría para Colciencias en temas institucionales. Ha publicado más de 35 artículos y ensayos tanto en Revistas nacionales, regionales e internacionales y ha participado en numerosas Conferencias internacionales como LASA, AFIT, ASSA, WSSA, MVA, entre otras. Actualmente es columnista semanal de El Heraldo y profesor del Departamento de Economía de la Universidad del Norte. Fue Asesor de la Gobernación del Atlántico. Colombia en el 2008.





Original reflection article