The supply of live cattle to ceba in the department of Sucre, Colombia: A ardl approach


  • Erika Arrieta Coronado Universidad de Sucre, Colombia
  • Jessica Bracamonte Ricardo Universidad de Sucre, Colombia
  • Omar Castillo Nuñez Economista , Universidad de Córdoba, Colombia


Cattle, elasticity, clime-risk, price-risk


This paper identifies the determinants of supply of live cattle for fattening identified in the department of Sucre, Colombia, 2007-2015, under the approach of the Autoregressive Distributed Lag model. The primary supply responds negatively to risk-climate and risk-price in a long and short term; positively to the raw milk price and to the regional slaughter; unlike the final supply, the primary supply doesn't exist an inverse relationship with the short term price which would show the ‘shortish-term' vision of marketers, or structural changes in the cattle cycle by the generalization of dual purpose system.





Science article