Tax Effects on Micro and Small Craft Enterprises (A Systematic Review)
tax culture, artisanal Mypes, free trade agreement, PRISMAAbstract
The department of Ayacucho, Peru, is among the departments with the highest number of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) dedicated to handicrafts. It is also a region with high productive units and a significant portion of the economically active population being informal. This leads to tax evasion by companies and constrains both the local and national economy. The aim of this study is to understand the tax effects on artisanal SMEs. The methodology is qualitative, descriptive, and explanatory, and follows the PRISMA statement. The databases consulted for the review were SciELO, Scopus, Google Scholar, Dialnet, and Redalyc. The results yielded 21 investigations, including scientific articles, reviews, and theses. The study concludes that tax collection not only improves the local and national economy but also provides SMEs with facilities and opportunities for international market growth. However, tax evasion and informality are due to the entrepreneurs’ lack of knowledge about the advantages of formalization, the lack of distribution by the Peruvian state, the cumbersome bureaucratic procedures involved in formalization, and the illusory perspective that evading taxes generates greater profitability in the company.
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