Fiscal situation of the district of Barranquilla: incomplete achievements


  • Wilson Roca Sarmiento Universidad del Atlántico


Debt, future forces, amortization, deficit


The recent fiscal performance of the District throws significant achievements in tax collections in the management of major domestic transfers, the amortization of a significant portion of the debt that had accumulated and the fulfillment of the second amendment to the Debt Restructuring Agreement. However, as these achievements are incomplete, the difficult fiscal situation is a matter still unresolved, due to the fact that next to the postponement of the amortization of the financial debt - which must be added the interest - has hired new credit obligations and has made widespread use of future forces that in strict economic sense constitute a form of debt. The following Administration of the city will receive as inheritance from the Government to end a debt that will demand valuable fiscal efforts to amortize it, and force to have present that fulfillment of programs of expense - especially targeting the neediest sectors, must be guaranteed without placing in risk the fiscal stability, for which will require a cautious review of the expenses and tributary structure, as well as increase of the efficiency in the collection.

Author Biography

Wilson Roca Sarmiento, Universidad del Atlántico

El autor es economista y Profesor del Programa de Economía de la Universidad del Atlántico. Reconocimientos a FORO COSTA ATLÁNTICA que aportó las condiciones logísticas y garantizó la participación como pasante del Proyecto, de Cielo Sánchez Thomas, estudiante del
Programa de Economía de la Universidad del Atlántico, quien se constituyó en un importante apoyo técnico y académico





Science article