Looking ahead post-disaster: What Latin American and Caribbean higher education can learn from Haiti


  • Louise Michelle Vital Northeastern University


Latin America and the Caribbean, Higher Education, Natural disaster



Looking ahead post-disaster: What Latin American and Caribbean higher education can learn from Haiti


This essay describes natural-disaster impacts to higher education. Drawing from the lessons learned from the Haitian higher education experience post the 2010 earthquake in Haiti, this essay offers recommendations for higher education actors in Latin America and the Caribbean in consideration of the devastating earthquakes in Mexico and Hurricanes Irma and Maria in the Caribbean in 2017.



Mirando hacia el futuro después de un desastre: lo que la educación superior en América Latina y el Caribe puede aprender de Haití


Este ensayo describe los impactos de los desastres naturales en la educación superior y, a partir de las lecciones aprendidas de la experiencia de educación superior haitiana después del terremoto de 2010 en dicho país, ofrece recomendaciones para los actores de la educación superior en América Latina y el Caribe en consideración de los devastadores terremotos en México y los huracanes Irma y María en el Caribe en 2017.


Olhando para frente após o desastre: o que o ensino superior latino-americano e caribenho pode aprender com o Haiti


Esta dissertação descreve os impactos de desastres naturais para o ensino superior. Com base nas lições aprendidas com a experiência do ensino superior do Haiti após o terremoto de 2010 no país, este ensaio oferece recomendações para os atores do ensino superior na América Latina e no Caribe em consideração dos devastadores terremotos no México e dos furacões Irma e Maria no Caribe em 2017.


Author Biography

Louise Michelle Vital, Northeastern University

Louise Michelle Vital teaches in the Global Studies and International Relations program at Northeastern University. She earned her PhD in Higher, Adult, and Lifelong Education (with a specialization in Latin American and Caribbean Studies) and graduate certificate in international development from Michigan State University.





Educación superior y catástrofes