Therapeutic Proposal of the Oral Manifestations of the Tourette Syndrome. A Case Report




Tourette Syndrome, Tics, Mouth Protectors


Tourette Syndrome (TS) is a chronic neurological-behavioral disorder that begins in childhood and adolescence. Its main characteristic is the emission of multiple motor and phonic tics of different types and complexity. They are associated with involuntary vocalizations (echolalia, coprolalia). They often worsen when the person is excited or has anxiety and becomes less alert during calm or concentration-intensive activities. Its treatment consists in the use of drugs that can cause adverse effects or the global behavioral intervention for tics (Comprehensive Behavioral Intervention for Tics, CBIT) which is a non-pharmacological behavioral treatment designed to teach patients and their families a specific set of skills
to reduce the frequency, intensity and overall impact of motor and vocal tics. We report a case of a 13-year-old patient who attended the University of Cartagena School of Dentistry due to a painful ulcer in the oral cavity. As a therapy, it was decided to use the mucosal protective plate (PPM) in the maxilla, observing a decrease in the size of the ulcer, and in the control at 45 days the complete healing of the lesion was observed. The oral treatment was complemented with the referral to psychological support treatment.

Author Biographies

Martha Cecilia Carmona Lorduy, Universidad de Cartagena

Odontologo- Semiologa

Magister en Educacion

Docente Universidad de Cartagena

Investigadora Grupo GITOUC

Sociedad Odontologica de Bolivar, Tribunal de Etica Odontologica, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidad de Cartagena, Universidad del Norte

Stella Josefina Pupo Marrugo, Universidad de Cartagena

Nombre: Stella Pupo Marrugo

Profesión: Odontologo-Endodoncista

Ocupación: Docente Universidad de Cartagena

Investigadora Grupo GITOUC

Areas de desempeño: Medicina Oral, microbiologia, endodoncia, investigación.

Tatiana Ruiz Tobon, Universidad de Cartagena.

ESE Alejandro Prospero Reverend: Santa Marta , Magdalena, CO, Odotóloga Rural,  Universidad de Cartagena.



How to Cite

Carmona Lorduy, M. C., Pupo Marrugo, S. J., & Ruiz Tobon, T. (2022). Therapeutic Proposal of the Oral Manifestations of the Tourette Syndrome. A Case Report. Salud Uninorte, 37(1), 220–229.



Clinic Case

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