Social Participation and Cognitive Capacity of the Older Adult with Chronic Disease




cognition, social participation, elderly, care, nursing


Objective: To analyze the association between cognitive capacity and social participation  of older adults with chronic diseases. 

Methodology: Observational study, sample of 1110 older adults, representing the 12 pro vinces of the La Libertad Region, Peru. The Cognitive Assessment Instrument was used,  Modified Minimental State Examination (MMSE), and the Social Participation Instrument.

Results: In the cognitive evaluation, 6.4% suggested deterioration, and 93.6%, cognitive  normality values. A significant relationship between cognitive status, gender, and age was  found P <0.001. The main diseases were arterial hypertension (55.3%), arthritis (38.1%),  and diabetes mellitus (16%). Most of the Social Participation was regular (62.2%); good had  19.5%, and poor, 18.4%. There was statistical significance between social participation and  cognition.

Conclusions: Social participation and cognitive status support positive health, provide  commitment or flow of experiences that are intrinsically satisfying, conveying a sense of  purpose, and the opportunity for positive social relationships, helping reduce the risk of  death at all ages. Social and intellectual commitment go hand in hand with good self-perceived and objective health, and good cognitive functioning. 

Keywords: cognition, social participation, elderly, care, nursing 

Author Biographies

Zoila Esperanza Leiton Espinoza, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT)

Profesora principal, Facultad de Enfermería, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo (UNT). Coordinadora Nacional de la Red de Enfermería en salud del adulto mayor. Miembro y asesora de la Sociedad Peruana de Enfermeros/as especialistas en Geriatría y Gerontología. Directivo Unidad de Desarrollo de Investigación del Consejo Regional (UDICOR) del Colegio de Enfermeros del Perú Consejo Regional II La Libertad.Maestría en Enfermería con mención en salud del adulto y anciano, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo. Doctora en salud Pública, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo.

Elizabeth Fajardo-Ramos, Universidad del Tolima, Colombia

Profesor titular Facultad Ciencias de la Salud Universidad del Tolima. 

Ángela María Henao-Castaño, Universidad Nacional de Colombia

Profesor asociado Facultad de Enfermería Universidad Nacional de Colombia.   



How to Cite

Leiton Espinoza, Z. E., Fajardo-Ramos, E. ., & Henao-Castaño, Ángela M. . (2022). Social Participation and Cognitive Capacity of the Older Adult with Chronic Disease. Salud Uninorte, 37(2), 316–328.



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