Excess Mortality from all Causes in the Framework of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Valle del Cauca, 2020





Mortality Rate, Excess Mortality, COVID-19, Pandemics


Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has hurt global health, where Colombia and specifically the Department of Valle del Cauca is no exception, for which it was necessary to implement various monitoring and analysis systems throughout the country. Viruses, which continue to date, within the framework of this need, the present investigation is proposed to estimate the excess mortality from all causes in the department and compare it with the mortality burden of the virus. Methodology: A cross-sectional observational study of excess mortality from all causes was carried out for Valle del Cauca in 2020, using official non-fetal deaths from the DANE National Administrative Department of Statistics, calculating the excess mortality observed compared to the expected one. Using projections from the linear regression. Results: an excess of mortality from all causes of 18.3% was found for 2020, the increase being greater in men and the population aged 45 and over. Conclusions: The excess mortality from all causes observed in 2020 is not explained by the spread of the pandemic, given that the volume of deaths observed exceeds by more than 700 cases the mortality expected according to historical behavior 2015-2019, evidencing a significant volume of under-records of mortality due to COVID-19 or explained by indirect causes of the virus.

Author Biographies

Simon Andres Giraldo Oliveros, Fundación Universitaria San Martín, Colombia

Estadístico Universidad del Valle. Magister en Epidemiologia Universidad CES de Medellín. Epidemiólogo del área de identificación del riesgo de la EAPB Emssanar SAS. Docente investigador Fundación Universitaria San Martín. Correo: simon-giraldo@hotmail.com.
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1489-2241


Ana Lilibeth Zambrano Correa, Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia

Médico general Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia. Especialista en gerencia y auditoria de la salud Universidad Jorge Tadeo Lozano. Medico auditor de concurrencia de la mediana y alta complejidad de la EAPB Emssanar SAS. Correo: lilibethz2016@gmail.com. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3803-3361.


Juan de Dios Villegas Perea, Universidad Libre, Colombia

Médico y Cirujano, Universidad Libre. Magister en Salud Pública, Universidad del Valle. Especialista en Gerencia Financiera, Universidad Libre. Decano Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Programa de Medicina, Fundación Universitaria San Martín.  juan.villegas@sanmartin.edu.co.
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0843-8459.




How to Cite

Giraldo Oliveros, S. A. ., Zambrano Correa, A. L. ., & Villegas Perea, J. de D. . (2022). Excess Mortality from all Causes in the Framework of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Valle del Cauca, 2020. Salud Uninorte, 38(2), 386–401. https://doi.org/10.14482/sun.38.2.614.49



Original Article