Effects of a Road, Traffic and Mobility Education Program on Attitudes and Knowledge of Schoolchildren in Barranquilla, Colombia





health and road safety, attitudes and road education, prevention, quasiexperimental study.


Introduction: In Colombia around 7,000 people die annually from traffic accidents and others are seriously injured, with more than 30,000 injured by 2018. These figures reflect a public health problem, which makes it necessary to generate an awareness process to achieve change in attitude in all road actors, as well as increasing people's knowledge regarding mobilization and traffic signs. Objective: To determine the impact of an educational program on road knowledge in the adoption of safe attitudes towards traffic and mobility in schoolchildren aged 11 to 14 years from Barranquilla, Colombia. Materials and methods: The research is structured in a pre-test and post-test design with a comparison group with measurements through two scales: a scale of students' attitudes in relation to road safety and a second instrument that assesses knowledge regarding the traffic regulations and mobility. Results: It was found that there are significant differences between the children who had the educational experience in relation to traffic rules and signs. Conclusions: Road safety education is shown as a positive strategy in the formation of safe attitudes in relation to traffic and mobility regulations.

Author Biographies

Juan Carlos MarínEscobar, Universidad Simón Bolívar, Colombia

Psicólogo Universidad del Norte, MSc en Proyectos Sociales Universidad del Norte, PhD en Ciencias de la Educacion Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín. Docente e investigador del Programa de Psicología, Facultad de Ciencias Humanas y Sociales, Universidad Simón Bolívar de Barranquilla, Colombia
jcmarin@unisimonbolivar.edu.co. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5244-7328

Sara Concepcion Maury Mena, Fundacion Generacion Vida Nueva, Colombia

Psicólogo Universidad del Norte, Especialista en Comunicación Organizacional Universidad de La Sabana, Candidata a MSc en Métodos de Investigación en Educacion Universidad de La Rioja en España, PhD en Ciencias de la Educacion Universidad Privada Dr. Rafael Belloso Chacín. Investigadora, Fundación Vida Nueva, Barranquilla, Colombia
saramaury66@yahoo.com. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1181-6377

Andrea Carolina Marín-Benítez, Ministerio de Educacion Nacional de Colombia

Ingeniera ambiental Universidad Distrital, MSc en Gestión de Cuencas Hidrográficas Universidad Santo Tomás, Especialista en Pedagogía y Docencia. Docente del Ministerio de Educacion Nacional de Colombia.
Andrea.marin92@gmail.com. Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2517-3296

Antolín Antolín Maury, Miami Dade College, School of Nursing, Estados Unidos

DNP, APRN, GNP-C, Associate Senior Faculty Benjamín León - Miami-Dade College, School of Nursing, Miami, Florida, United States. andresesteban25@yahoo.com.
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2673-4657



How to Cite

MarínEscobar, J. C. ., Maury Mena, S. C. ., Marín-Benítez, A. C., & Antolín Maury, A. (2022). Effects of a Road, Traffic and Mobility Education Program on Attitudes and Knowledge of Schoolchildren in Barranquilla, Colombia. Salud Uninorte, 38(2), 455–472. https://doi.org/10.14482/sun.38.2.610



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