Use of psychoactive substances (PAS) in the sex work of cisgender men and women and transgender women Venezuelan immigrants in Colombia


  • Jair Eduardo Restrepo Pineda Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Colombia
  • Soraya Villegas Rojas Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia



Sex work, Sexual health, Illicit drugs, Migrants, Colombia, Venezuela


Objective: To identify the factors associated with the consumption of psychoactive substances (PAS) in female and male Venezuelan immigrant sex workers residing in Colombia.

Methods: A qualitative study was carried out with an interpretive hermeneutic approach, using the semi-structured interview as a research technique, which were applied in the Metropolitan Area of ??Valle de Aburrá, Bogotá D.C. and the Colombian Coffee Region, through a convenience sampling system.

Results: 55 interviews were conducted in these regions. 60% of the interviewees were cisgender men, 31% cisgender women and 9% transgender women. The average age of the participants was 27 years. It was observed that the use of psychoactive substances in sex workers depends on personal and contextual factors. The former are related to coping strategies against stress and anxiety during the exercise of sex work, as well as the recreational and recreational use of these substances, while the contextual factors are linked to the shared use of SPA with clients and the increase of sexual performance during the exercise of transactional sex.

Conclusions: The consumption of psychoactive substances during the exercise of sex work is multi-causal, and, therefore, it is essential to address this issue in a comprehensive manner, considering the interrelation between the subject, the substance consumed and the social and sexual contexts where it occurs. is used, allowing the definition of the most pertinent and appropriate strategies to reduce the impacts on the health of those involved.

Author Biographies

Jair Eduardo Restrepo Pineda, Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Colombia

Doctor en análisis y evaluación de procesos políticos y sociales por la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, España. Docente investigador Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios (Uniminuto).
Orcid: CVLAC:

Soraya Villegas Rojas, Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira, Colombia

Magíster en Infección por el Virus de la Inmunodeficiencia Humana por la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, España. Docente investigadora Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira (UTP).  Orcid: CVLAC:



How to Cite

Restrepo Pineda, J. E. ., & Villegas Rojas, S. . (2023). Use of psychoactive substances (PAS) in the sex work of cisgender men and women and transgender women Venezuelan immigrants in Colombia. Salud Uninorte, 39(2), 392–404.



Original Article