Entrepreneurship decision attitudes of women in the province of Tungurahua (Ecuador)



women entrepreneurs, business opportunities, labor participation, entrepreneurial intention.


The challenges that women have gone through in the field of entrepreneurship have been identified as socio-cultural status, access to information and business networks, and obtaining financing. These barriers have limited the intention to undertake. The objective of the study was to analyze the entrepreneurial decision attitudes of women in the province of Tungurahua through a factorial analysis to determine the factors that affect their entrepreneurial intention. The methodology applied was a quantitative-correlational approach that involved the interaction of the variables identification of opportunities, persistence, planning, sociability, leadership and entrepreneurial intention. A 28-item questionnaire was designed for 110 women entrepreneurs in the province of Tungurahua. The findings revealed that the entrepreneurial decision of women in the province of Tungurahua has had a direct relationship with the identification of opportunities, persistence, planning, sociability, and leadership. However, one of its deficiencies when choosing the entrepreneurial route is planning, since it was concluded that the study group lacks structured planning and control habits.


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