Intention to purchase counterfeit products in the football consumer of the province of Tungurahua (Ecuador): An approach to their brand awareness


  • Jonathan Ricardo Quinga Carrill Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ecuador
  • Cynthia Guadalupe Chipantiza Guamán Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ecuador
  • Kléver Armando Moreno Gavilanes Universidad Técnica de Ambato, Ecuador


consumer, counterfeiting, purchasing attitude, social influence, brand


This document aims to investigate the factors that affect the attitude of consumers towards counterfeit products by the sports consumer and the relationship of the attitude of consumers towards counterfeit products with the intention to purchase. A conceptual model is proposed and validated following the various studies on counterfeit products. A survey of 382 respondents was conducted in Tungurahua. The researcher has used structural equation models to test the causal relationships between the constructs. The results of the study indicate that value consciousness, materialism, and social influence are positively related to consumers' attitude towards counterfeit fashion products, eventually leading to purchase intention. Brand awareness and perceived risk are not significantly related to consumer attitudes towards counterfeit fashion products. Consumers in the low-income group are value and brand conscious and perceive low risk which influences their attitude towards counterfeit fashion products. The study uses a self-report measure to collect data by email, and a hard copy of the questionnaire was distributed. Furthermore, the sample selection method was not random. These two aspects could limit the generalizability of the results. The document assists manufacturers and retailers of genuine branded products to formulate better marketing strategies to attract new customers. The study aims to investigate the factors that affect the attitude of Tungurahuan consumers towards counterfeit fashion products, which are not widely analyzed. The factors were carefully chosen to meet the requirements of the study. Income is taken as a moderator to study the relationship between factors and attitude towards counterfeit fashion products.


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