Telework: Perception in large and medium-sized companies in the department of Quindío (Colombia)


  • Maria Teresa Betancur Echavarría Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt, Colombia
  • Silvia Helena Mejía Vélez Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt, Colombia


teleworking, perception of teleworking, digital culture, organizational culture, remote work


This article aims to analyze the perception that some of the companies in Quindío have regarding the dynamics of teleworking and the effective implementation of this modality. A sample of 71 companies registered in the Chamber of Commerce of the department was taken as of December 2020 and that are classified as medium and large companies. The methodology of this research is quantitative, with an analytical empirical approach and its descriptive type, for the collection of information a survey was carried out on the progress of the organizations in this process, the perception of the leaders and collaborators, dynamics and as a result, It is found that there is a lack of knowledge regarding the subject, its procedures and its benefits, 67 % of the companies have not contemplated teleworking in their strategy, 24 % are clear that they should do it and 6 % have no intention of implementing it. Teleworking had a greater implementation in the administrative areas due to the social isolation caused by covid-19 and this allowed sustainability on many occasions. However, 73 % of those surveyed argue that they do not feel prepared or do not want to continue with teleworking in any of its modalities and consolidate it in their organizational culture. This becomes an opportunity for Universities and the state to lead awareness and training processes in teleworking and digital culture.


Author Biographies

Maria Teresa Betancur Echavarría, Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt, Colombia

Especialista en Técnica, Métodos y Prácticas de la Investigación Social Técnica, métodos y prácticas de la investigación social. Comunicadora y Relacionista Corporativa. Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt.

Silvia Helena Mejía Vélez, Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt, Colombia

Magíster en Administración. Especialista en Administración. Psicóloga. Corporación Universitaria Empresarial Alexander von Humboldt.


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Science article