Dairy product prices dynamics in Colombia: the case of the province of Cordoba


  • Omar Enrique Castillo Nuñez Universidad de Cordoba


elasticity of price transmission, Seasonality, cointegration, Unexpected shocks


Using statistical and econometric techniques such as multiplicative moving average, cointegration and impulse response functions, in this paper analyzes the relationship of long and short term between the producer price of milk and cheese from the coast at the wholesale level in Córdoba, Colombia. There is a strong seasonality: prices rise between November to April, and down from May to October. The transmission's elasticity of long-term indicates that a 1% increase in the producer price of milk increases the price of cheese at the wholesale level at 0.69%. An unexpected shock in these markets causes instability and countercyclical price trajectory. The results are reasonable; the countercyclical behavior confirms the role damper cheese production to avoid more drastic falls or increases the producer price of milk at critical times.

Author Biography

Omar Enrique Castillo Nuñez, Universidad de Cordoba

Economista, U del Atlántico; Magister Economía Agraria, Universidad Nacional de Colombia; Doctor en Economía Agraria, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, España. Profesor
titular de tiempo completo de la Universidad de Córdoba. Coordinador del grupo “Observatorio de precios y costos agrarios del noroccidente del Caribe colombiano”





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