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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The letter or e-filing for the submission of an article to the journal must certify the following: The manuscript is original and has not been published or submitted for review, and it complies with the rules for publication. Further, the authors agree not to withdraw the article or present it to another journal without having received notice from the Editorial Committee, which reports whether the article has been accepted for publication.
  • Presentation format for the article: Check that the submission is an original research article, technical note, reflection article or review article. You can download it here

    The authors are informed about restrictions on the number of review articles published.

  • Length: 20 pages that are double-spaced on letter size paper with 12-point font presented in a single column (Flexible up to 25 p. approx.).
  • Article Title: In Spanish and English
  • For each author (in this order):

    1. First and Last Name
    2. Institutional affiliation (if any) with position at the institution, name of the department, and institution that the work is attributed. The name of the institution must be complete and may include the abbreviation of the institution as a suffix.
    3. Email address
    4. Highest academic degree obtained by the author
  • The name, phone number, and address of the author who is responsible for correspondence.
  • Sources of grants or other funding (Only when the article is the result of research funding, in which case the precise data, such as the project code, project title and date, are needed).
  • Abbreviated title
  • Abstract in English and Spanish: Maximum 200 words. This should reflect the structure of a short article by discussing the research objectives, methodology, main results and conclusions.
  • Keywords in English and Spanish: Maximum 6 index terms presented in alphabetical order.

    The terms should reflect the specific contents of the article in a clear and complete manner.

  • Formulas: Presented in the formula editor of Word and numbered consecutively (i.e., not images).
  • Introduction: state the relevance of the subject from a scientific perspective, the context in which the research was conducted, the background (when appropriate), the purpose of research and a working hypothesis.
  • Theoretical Framework and Background: when appropriate, logically and coherently explain any relevant aspects related to the research question (the subtitle of this section may vary).
  • Methodology: describe each step conducted by the author to complete the study in detail
  • Results and Discussion: discuss briefly and clearly in light of the objectives and hypotheses proposed and the theories referenced in the Introduction.
  • Conclusions: are based on an analysis of the hypothesis and/or objectives regarding the results.
  • Complies with the framework for headings and subheadings
  • Spelling: note if the article has at least one spelling mistake.
  • Editorial: note if the article has at least one editorial inconsistency.
  • Tables and Figures: should be numbered consecutively and presented in the text according to the disposition of the author.
  • IMPORTANT: Each image and table should be submitted in a separate file. The tables should be submitted in an Excel file and images should be in .jpg or .tiff format of at least 600-dpi resolution (check file properties). All files should be within a compressed folder.

  • References: should be CURRENT and relevant (The author should not include obsolete references).
  • References should be complete and formatted in IEEE style, as follows:

    -Numbered and in brackets

    -NOT in alphabetical order

    -The authors’ names are abbreviated with initials.

    -The formats differ depending on the source type: magazines, books or Internet.

    -Proper use of italics, quotation marks, date and paging.


    For more detailed information, see the following link:

    If the references have DOI, this identifier must be included according to IEEE format.

  • Each author should have read and accepted all of the authorization terms for Publication Authorization (English) - Authorization (Spanish) and have agreed to submit the completed application form.
  • All authors agree to accomplish strictly with the terms of the section "Journal Policies" about Ethical Aspects and Principles of Practice stated in the editorial policy.

Author Guidelines


The authors’ views expressed in their articles are their own responsibility and, as such, do not compromise the policies of the Universidad del Norte or the Editorial Board of the Journal.

The Revista Ingeniería y Desarrollo (Journal of Engineering and Development) accepts original articles that present research results from different fields of engineering for their evaluation and publication. The articles must not have been published previously or have versions that are similar currently under evaluation during the time that they are submitted to the Journal of Ingeniería y Desarrollo (Engineering and Development). Receipt of an article and its placement in the evaluation process does not ensure immediate publication and does not imply a specific deadline for inclusion in a particular edition.

The Editorial Board reserves the right to submit articles for evaluation, recommend changes deemed appropriate, and reject articles that do not meet the requirements (Evaluation Policy). The evaluation process is performed by at least one juror who is not associated with the institution where the author(s) works or studies, and this process usually lasts between 3 and 6 months. Jurors are researchers with postgraduate degrees and relevant publications in the area of interest.


Open Call

The journal is permanently taking in scientific articles, therefore at any date of the year the interested authors can submit their articles in order to start the evaluation process. The submitted articles are officially accepted when they fully meet the requirements of form, content and ethics described in the Editorial Policy.


"Ingeniería y Desarrollo" journal do not charge article processing charges (APCs) and article submission charges.



Articles may be in English, Spanish or Portuguese and must be well-written, meaning free of spelling and grammatical errors.


Articles should not exceed 25 pages, including tables and figures. The articles should be double-spaced, letter-sized documents with 12-point font organized in a single column.

File submission

All files related to the article must be submitted in a compressed folder (.zip format) through the Journal portal (Web Site) after registering with the website, as previously discussed here.

The files to be attached are as follows:

1. A letter certifying the following:

1.1. The submitted article complies with all of the requirements listed in the author instructions.

1.2. The paper presents unpublished studies or studies that have not been submitted for publication elsewhere in substantially similar versions (during the evaluation period for the Revista Ingeniería y Desarrollo).

1.3. The authors agree not to withdraw the article or submit it to another journal without having received notice from the Editorial Committee advising that the article has not been accepted for publication.

2. The Word-formatted article.

3. The format of the article submission (link).

4. The original files for each image or type of chart used in the article in .jpg or .tiff format with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi, depending on the type of image format (See the Section 5).

5. Tables (if any) in Excel format.

Types of items received


The Revista Ingeniería y Desarrollo publishes original research articles (Top priority for publication) and technical notes, as well as articles of reflection and revision, which are limited to a release of not more than 3 articles per issue, so no more than about 30% of total published; also, it's expected that these articles are produced by authors who have a wide range of experience in the field and who are supported by a history of prolific intellectual production.



General information in the article

1. The article’s title should be short, specific and informative. Authors should include an English version of the title if the article is written in Spanish or Portuguese. If the article is presented in English or Portuguese, it must include a Spanish version of the title.

2. The following information should be included for each author (in this exact order):

a. Standardized name: To increase the article’s visibility, all bibliographic works should include the authors’ names presented in a consistent manner.

b. Institutional affiliation: The names of the institutions must be written completely and without translation, even if they are foreign. If necessary, authors can include the abbreviation for the institution after the name.

c. Department or agency within the institution

d. Country

e. Brief biographical sketch that includes the authors’ highest levels of education, areas of ​​specialty and email addresses.

f. The order of the authors should reflect their level of participation in the development of the research and in the writing of the article.

3. Name, phone number and address of the author responsible for correspondence.

4. Sources of grants or other funding. You must enter the data for the entities that wholly or partially funded the research, which includes all of the necessary information, such as codes, titles, objectives, and dates of execution. This section is not to be confused with the Acknowledgments.

5. Short title that has no more than 40 characters (counting letters and spaces).


The abstract should not exceed two hundred (200) words and should reflect the structure of a short article by discussing the research objectives, methodology, main results and conclusions. The abstract should be understood on its own, as it is often presented separately from the article. An English-language version must be provided. If the article is in English or Portuguese, an abstract in Spanish must be included.


Authors should include up to 6 keywords that clearly and completely describe the content of the paper. The authors should also include an English version of these words. Authors should avoid using abbreviations unless the abbreviations are commonly known in the research area and prepositions (e.g., "and" or "of"). Authors should remember that the main objective of the keywords is to index the article in databases or other storage media to facilitate the search for it; therefore, they should be careful when selecting these words. We suggest consulting indices, thesauruses, dictionaries and specialized taxonomies to identify controlled terms that best describe the article. Authors should include the terms deemed most appropriate. Some valuable tools include the Engineering Village Thesaurus, the IEEE Thesaurus - Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, the ACM Computing Classification System, and the Subject Heading List ASCE - American Society of Civil Engineers.

Article Body

Articles related to scientific research are generally structured with the following sections (at the minimum):

• Introduction: The introduction describes the interest in and justification for the research in a scientific context by presenting the scope of the problem, a literature review of topics relevant to the study, and a concluding portion presenting the research objectives.

• Methodology: The methodology is described in detail, including each stage of the study that the author conducted. In this section, interested readers should find a guide for replicating the study on their own. If the methodology has already been published, it must be indicated with a reference, and only relevant modifications should be described.

• Results and Discussion: The results are stated briefly and clearly as is any discussion or analysis of them in light of the objectives and theories referenced in the introduction. This section should include any tables, graphs and figures that express results. If tables, graphs and figures are used, the statistical terms must be correct, and the data should only be presented once in this section (i.e., not in the text).

• Conclusions: The conclusions are drawn based on the analysis of the hypothesis and/or the objectives regarding the results. Authors can also analyze the impact, scope and practical applications of their research..

• Acknowledgments: (Optional and different for grants or other funding sources) The acknowledgments section presents the names of individuals, institutions, laboratories and/or factories that helped develop the study.

• References: Ethical standards state that every idea that is not the author’s must be cited. References cited in the text should follow the rules of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE (link). The reference list should include only those sources cited in the article’s body.

It should be noted that the above structure corresponds to scientific articles; therefore, it is possible that another type of article would require a different organization.

If the article includes equations, they must be typed in Microsoft Equation Editor and numbered consecutively (the numbers must be enclosed in parentheses).

Titles and Subtitles

The title should be written in bold 14-point font. Titles must be grammatically correct

The first-level subtitles should be written in 12-point font with bolded capital letters. Each part should be enumerated with Arabic numerals.

The second-level subtitles should be written in bold, unnumbered 12-point font. The use of upper- and lower-case letters must correspond to grammatical rules.


The third-level subtitles should be written in italicized, bolded, unnumbered 12-point font. The use of upper and lower case letters must be consistent with grammatical rules. Each subtitle is distinguished with a bullet at this level.



In case that the referenced source has a DOI, this identifier must be included on the references.

To cite a source in the text, write the reference number in square brackets that are subsequently numbered consecutively in the order of appearance, for example, "in [1]...".

It is not necessary to refer to the author except when it is interesting do so, for example, "in Fernandez [2]...", and if two or more authors are mentioned, for example: Cichocki et al. [1].

If an author cites the same source in multiple places, the indicated number assigned is retained initially but includes the page number, as well.

In cases when there are multiple references, they should be separated by commas, for example, [1], [3].

When references are consecutive, separate them with a hyphen, e.g., [1] - [4].

Authors should also indicate whether the article cited has not been published or is in process of publication.

Authors should avoid citing outdated references.


For detailed information, consult the following link:



Additionally, tables should summarize information to make it easier for data compression and to highlight important comparisons. If possible, the description of the information should be provided in the text instead of in the table, as tables take up much more room.

Each table must be sent in a separate Excel file.

Authors should only submit the graphics and high quality visuals that are essential for understanding the article.

Tables and figures should be numbered consecutively and presented in the text according to the disposition of the author.

Each table or figure must be accompanied with a caption that briefly and clearly describes the material presented (the legend or title must not be part of the image).

Tables, figures and photographs must be the author’s originals and unpubished. On the contrary it is necessary to ask for permission of the correspondent editors and add a citation.

Authors must send images in a compressed folder with each image in a separate .jpg or.tiff file (Avoid mixing images in only one figure).

Authors must ensure that the images have the appropriate contrast for black and white reproduction.

The size of the figures must be 14 cm width (constant value) X 21 cm height (variable value).

The figure’s resolution vary according to its format, 300 dpi is the minimum accepted resolution.

The author must identify the figure’s format to determine its characteristics:

o The “Line art” refers to monochromatic figures, which include straight lines and text; they do not include shades or images.

§ Minimum resolution 600 dpi

§ Ideal resolution 1200 dpi

o Figures with variations of only one color are generated by continuous colorful dots: They usually are produced by a computer and reduce themselves to binary images (only one color). Example: images in grayscale

§ Minimum resolution 300 dpi

§ Ideal resolution 600 dpi

o Photos are images taken with digital camera. These might be presented in color or grayscale.

§ Minimum resolution 300 dpi

§ Ideal resolution 600 dpi


Authors must read and accept the terms for the authorization to reproduce, use, publish and disseminate the article, which may be downloaded here: Authorization(English) and Authorization(Spanish).

Privacy Statement

The names and e-mail addresses saved in this journal will be used exclusively for purposes established by this journal and will not be available for any other purpose or another person.