A State-of-the-art Review About Ontology Population


  • Juan Carlos Blandón Andrade Universidad Católica de Pereira
  • Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín




The main goal of ontologies in computing is related to the definition of a common vocabulary for describing basic concepts and relationships on a specific domain. Main components of ontologies are classes—concepts—, instances, properties, relations, and axioms, among others elements. The ontology population process is intended to receive an ontology as input in order to extract and relate the instances of each ontology class from heterogenous information sources. In this paper we perform a systematic state-of-the-art review about ontology population. We select papers from specialized databases and we create a research question for driving paper search. The results of our review points out ontology population as an interesting topic for researchers. Even though we have several techniques for driving the process, fully automated tools are still missing and we also miss high levels of precision and recall.

Author Biographies

Juan Carlos Blandón Andrade, Universidad Católica de Pereira

Docente Tiempo CompletoPrograma Ingeniería de Sistemas y TelecomunicacionesFacultad de Ciencias Básicas e Ingeniería

Carlos Mario Zapata Jaramillo, Universidad Nacional de Colombia - Sede Medellín

Full Professor at Computer and Decision Science Department, Faculty of Mines.



How to Cite

J. C. Blandón Andrade and C. M. Zapata Jaramillo, “A State-of-the-art Review About Ontology Population”, Ing. y Des., vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 259–284, Dec. 2017.