Study of the statistical control of the cutting process of soap bars


  • Luis Esteban Romero Vega Universidad del Atlántico
  • Luis Carlos Valdés Luna Universidad del Atlántico
  • Jorge Guillermo Pastor De Moya Universidad del Atlántico
  • Roberto José Herrera Acosta Universidad del Atlántico



This study aims to apply the methodology of statistical process control charts in the monitoring of the net weight of soap bars of a production line, with the objective of evaluating the evolution of this variable as a characteristic of product quality; the results of traditional charts are compared to EWMA memory charts. In manufacturing processes where the misalignments are minimal, Shewhart charts may be less sensitive to these mismatches, which may take a long time to be detected. In this study are applied EWMA control charts that are more appropriate than traditional ones to detect small mismatches more quickly. Having the CEP charts for the monitoring and subsequent analysis of the process variables will enable timely detection of changes in product quality, evaluation of quality aspects of the manufacturing process and continuous improvement in the processes.

Author Biography

Luis Esteban Romero Vega, Universidad del Atlántico

Magíster en Ciencia e Ingeniería de Materiales de la Universidad Federal de São Carlos - Brasil. Ingeniero Mecánico formado en la Universidad de Córdoba - Colombia. Experiencia en el área de diseño de sistemas mecánicos, laminación en frío en atmósfera controlada, procesamiento de aleaciones a través de horno de fusión al arco eléctrico con atmósfera controlada y molienda de alta energía, caracterización estructural de materiales y almacenaje de hidrógeno. Actualmente me desempeño como investigador en el grupo de investigación de la calidad de la universidad del Atlantico.



How to Cite

L. E. Romero Vega, L. C. Valdés Luna, J. G. Pastor De Moya, and R. J. Herrera Acosta, “Study of the statistical control of the cutting process of soap bars”, Ing. y Des., vol. 36, no. 2, p. 455, Jun. 2018.