Methodology for conducting a diagnosis of the management of environmental indicators in the Cuban public administration


  • Roani Ladislá Miranda Cuéllar Universidad Tecnológica de La Habana “José A. Echeverría”, CUJAE
  • Soidelys Reyes Acuña Ministerio de la Agricultura (MINAG)
  • Gloria de las Mercedes Gómez País Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA)
  • Odalys Caridad Goicochea Cardoso Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología y Medio Ambiente (CITMA)



Protecting the environment is an international concern that has been gaining strength at all levels. For that reason, organizations require that decision-making be carried out based on evidence, so information and its proper management are essential, supported into indicator that encourages monitoring and control. The target of this work is to design a methodology for the diagnosis of the management of indicators. The following methods were used: analysis-synthesis and hypothetical-deductive, instruments were used such as: interviews, surveys and questionnaires, consultation with specialists; Delphi method and statistical methods. The methodology was applied to national environmental indicator, and there were gaps in the information and in the national legislation and other insufficiencies in the management of indicators that affect decision making.



How to Cite

R. L. Miranda Cuéllar, S. Reyes Acuña, G. de las M. Gómez País, and O. C. Goicochea Cardoso, “Methodology for conducting a diagnosis of the management of environmental indicators in the Cuban public administration”, Ing. y Des., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 71–87, Jan. 2019.