Production of galactooligosaccharides: alternative for the use of whey-A review


  • James Andrés Gómez Soto
  • Óscar Julián Sánchez Toro Profesor Asociado, Investigador Senior. Universidad de Caldas. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Investigación en Alimentos y Agroindustria



In the world the production of whey is increasing and its insufficient use generates environmental and economic impacts that are reflected in the deterioration of the environment and the loss of economic resources for the communities. The aim of the present review was to consult in the scientific and technical literature the different uses of whey from proteins and lactose. It was identified that whey is still commonly used to obtain powdered whey and concentrates and protein isolates, among other products. The processing of whey generates waste such as lactose, which represents a serious environmental and economic problem due to the contamination of water sources and the high cost of its treatment (labor and consumables). In this sense, the production process of galactooligosaccharides (prebiotic compounds of high interest) can be an alternative of investment and technological development for the dairy sector of Colombia that searches for new ways to valorize the waste and diminish the environmental impact of these processes.



How to Cite

J. A. Gómez Soto and Óscar J. Sánchez Toro, “Production of galactooligosaccharides: alternative for the use of whey-A review”, Ing. y Des., vol. 37, no. 1, pp. 129–157, Jan. 2019.