A new statistical approach to customer classification and load profiling
Distribution network, Distribution transformers, Electrical demand, Load profileAbstract
It is of utmost importance in an electrical distribution system to have a detailed knowledge of the characteristics of the loads it feeds and that they determine, in a final extend, the behavior of parameters in the different regimens of operation, there are various methods for the classification of consumers and the construction of the typical daily load curves, however these methods do not mainly consider that these curves are subjected to the conduct of each kind of consumers. This work proposes a new approximation to this problem based on a method sustained by two statistical tools, Kendall matching coefficient and the correlation coefficient for ranges stated by Spearman and it is checked its effectiveness by means of its application in two distribution circuits, demonstrating that there is a coincidence between the load profiles obtained through the method proposed and the load profiles obtained through measurements accomplished at the substation.
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