Simulation of a natural thermal insulator application in an indirect solar dehydrator
Solar dehydrator, Temperature, Thermal insulationAbstract
Thermal insulators are of great significance in equipment where temperature is one of the main factors for its proper functioning. Over the years, different types of synthetic insulators have been manufactured. However, as it is well known that fossil fuels are becoming scarce with the time, humanity has seen the need to investigate sustainable materials with equal or improved characteristics than synthetic ones, leading to the investigation of natural thermal insulators. In the present project the effects on the application of a thermal insulation 100% made from natural fiber placed in an indirect solar fruit dehydrator is investigated. In this context, equipment with and without thermal insulation was computer simulated in order to compare the internal temperatures and thus, determine the efficiency and applicability of the thermal insulator. It was concluded that the natural fiber thermal insulator presents favorable results as the increase on the internal temperature by 20% which directly influences the drying time. In this way, it was established that the natural thermal insulation can be used in an indirect solar dehydrator reducing the drying time, increasing its efficiency and contributing to the environment.
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