Evaluation of the steam generation, distribution and consumption system of a meat Company
Water, Boiler, Evaluation, Environment, Heat lossesAbstract
The present work was carried out at "Raúl Cepero Bonilla" Meat Company in the province of Camagüey, Cuba, with the objective of evaluating the steam generation, distribution and consumption system. A value of heat losses of the pipes of 207 094.99 W was obtained due to lack of thermal insulation. With the proposal of the use of Mineral Wool insulation in the pipes that require it, these losses are reduced by 92.303 %. The energy efficiency of the steam generator was 90.7 % while the exergy was of 7.03 %. With the proposal of the condensate recovery design, 475 015.5 liters of water treated per year would be saved, bringing a reduction in fuel consumption of 64 186.51 liters annually. With the improvements that are introduced in the system, a total economic saving of $ 94 172.78 Cuban pesos (CUP) per year is obtained, being of CUP 10 759.37 the total cost of the investment, which can be recovered in a period of 1.4 months. A Net Present Value of CUP 36 238 and an Internal Rate of Return of 71 % was obtained, which qualifies the proposed improvements as profitable.
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