Multiple frequency continuous wave SDR radar implementation using GNU Radio
GNU Radio, Low-cost radar, Multiple CW, Radar, SDR, Short range RadarAbstract
Software Defined Radio (SDR) is a technology with recognition in Telecommunication industry because of its capacity of developing reconfigurable communication systems. This paper presents the implementation and field-testing evaluation for a low-cost radar system using the gr-radar toolbox created into the version 3.7.4 of GNU Radio. Tests allowed to measure distances and velocities of one target in movement. Velocity estimation errors were obtained with 1.8 % and 3.22 % in a round trip. Range estimation errors were also obtained with 1.56 % and 2.75 % in a round trip. Radar system was configured to transmit at 2.4 GHz with Multiple CW technique. The test scenario was the Nueva Granada Military University Campus in Colombia. The results are oriented toward use this tools for deepening on basic Radar principles with low-cost devices.
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