Exposure Correction of Wind Speeds Measured in Two Cuban Stations
roughness length, exposure correction factor, extreme winds, LandSat, NDVIAbstract
Basic wind velocity for civil engineering purpose is determinant for structural design under wind action. Basic wind velocity is obtained from data measurements at meteorological stations supposedly placed in ideal terrain conditions, and it is estimated by different statistical methods. Not all stations accomplish the ideal conditions, therefore, correction of the wind velocity values must be done. The main objective of this paper is to define a roughness correction factor for wind velocity in not ideal conditions, and to compare basic wind velocity obtained with proposed basic wind velocity for the Cuban territory at international studies. Two meteorological stations with different terrain roughness were selected, and the basic wind velocity for each one was obtained by applying the Method of Independent storms (MIS). Roughness was found through the Method of Classifications and the Morphometric Method, with the use of satellite LandSat8 images. Results show that modified basic wind velocities are similar for the two methods. The comparison with international studies proved a good correspondence only with one of the stations, hence it is recommended to extend the study to a greater number of stations.
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