Assessment of Environmental Impacts Associated with the Eventual Environmental Recovery of Quarries with Inert Construction and Demolition Waste in Barranquilla and its Metropolitan Area
Construction and demolition waste (RCD), Environmental impact, Final disposal, Landfill, Mining holeAbstract
This article makes an evaluation of the environmental impacts that could be derived from the use of mining holes as sanitary landfills of C&D in quarries of the district of Barranquilla, properly applying the “Guide for the Rehabilitation of Mining Holes with Construction and Demolition waste (C&D)” from the Ministry for Ecological Transition of Spain. This has been successfully implemented in Spain. Due to similar objectives in the management of C&D, and similarities between Spanish and Colombian quarries, it is presumed that it could be adapted in Barranquilla as a representative city of Colombia. An scoping as an approximation to the environmental effects and impacts was developed, and a modified Leopold matrix and the EPM method were used for the evaluation. The project was environmentally viable. The most significant positive impacts are the improvement of physical chemical conditions and mechanical properties of the soil, and formalization in C&D disposition.
The most prevalent negative impacts are the effects on air quality and possible contamination of bodies of water. This article, and the Guide referred to at the beginning, should serve as support for competent environmental entities responsible for taking legal and technical measures on the disposition of C&D in the district.
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