Evaluating the Technical Efficiency of Academic Departments: a DEABiplot Approach
Biplot, DEA, Efficiency, Higher EducationAbstract
This study proposes an innovative two-stage approach, using Data Envelopment Analysis and Biplot, to evaluate the technical efficiency of 30 academic departments of a Chilean university, and to identify the main factors affecting their performances. Public higher education worldwide is under a growing pressure to increase efficiency and improve the quality of education with limited governmental funds given to state-owned universities. The rigorous supervision and regulations make the use of decision-making approaches for the rationale administration of financial resources imperative. The first stage used an output-oriented DEA model, using 3 configurations under the assumption that the units under analysis have more influence on producing outputs than on generating income. The second stage employed a Biplot analysis to characterize the departments into four clusters, and to identify external variables influencing the (in)efficiency scores. Results indicated that academic departments focused on teaching are more efficient than those aiming for research. Among the main factors affecting the level of performance were the number of full-time equivalent faculty holding graduate studies, and the average course approval ratio.
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