Influence of height in the consideration of the dynamic soil-structure interaction in buildings with dual typology located in areas of high seismic hazard
Displacements, Drifts, Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction (DSSI), Reinforced concrete, Seismic response, Vibration periodsAbstract
The structural behavior of buildings under the action of seismic loads can sometimes be modified with the consideration of the Soil-Structure Dynamic Interaction (IDSE), an aspect that demonstrates the importance of studying its effects on it. Considering the Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction (DSSI) in the structural behavior of buildings exposed to seismic activity can be of great importance in some cases. The present study was developed using the software ETABS V17, for buildings with 5, 10 and 15 stories respectively, located on type D soil in Santiago de Cuba province, classified as a seismic high-hazard zone in the NC 46:2017[1]. Buildings are characterized by a reinforced concrete dual system, with the same distribution in plan and elevation. For the three different heights models, a comparison was made taking into account the values of the vibration periods, seismic loads by level, displacements at the top of the building and drifts considering two boundary conditions at the base: Fixed and with Dynamic Soil-Structure Interaction (DSSI) using the formulations of Sargsian. The results showed a greater influence of the DSSI consideration on the structural response of the 10 and 15 stories buildings.
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