Slope stability in earth dams considering the suction angle of the unsaturated soil
end of construction, operation, suction angle, slope stability, unsaturated soilsAbstract
The present investigation consists of analyzing the effect of unsaturated soil by introducing the characteristic curve and the suction angle in the analysis of slope stability in homogeneous earth dams. For this, an earthen dam with a curtain height of 22 meters is considered, taking into account the states: end of construction and operation, considering two CH-type soils in the curtain and three SC-type soils at the base. For the present study, the suction angle calculated from the angle of internal friction and the degree of saturation of the soil is used, comparing the result obtained with that corresponding to the experimental characteristic curve of the same soils. The GeoStudio 2018 program is used, and the Finite Element Method combining the SEEP/W and SLOPE/W components. The fundamental result reveals that it is possible to consider the unsaturated state of the soil directly through the suction angle, based on new relationships with respect to the internal friction angle of the soil and depending on the water level of the analyzed dam.
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